PuduLodge Comfort and Images Location Photo Gallery of the area Useful Information Live Shows La Eulogia Restaurant Corporate Travell Rates Reports and Reserves

Live Shows


The inn regularly hosts free musical and cultural events for

our guests.

We recently had the pleasure of welcoming among others the

following artists:

- Tango Orchestra of the Conservatory of Rio Gallegos

- The string quartet Mala Yunta

- The youth orchestra of Rio Turbio

- Coral Calafate

- Paola Vigiano

- and guitarist Hector Rodriguez Chucu

Home Site Map
Parque Nacional Los Glaciares - Albert Konrad 90 (CP 9301) - Tel (54) 2962-493365 - El Chaltén - Santa Cruz - Argentina www.pudulodge.com - info@pudulodge.com